Expériences professionnelles

Capital markets - intern


De Novembre 2011 à Mai 2012

- Debt: involved in the management of the relationships with the rating agencies, followed up debt and committed credit lines, built structured finance models
- Equity: monitored the Sanofi security and reviewed the stakes of the group, followed up pharmaceutical indexes and contingent value rights, priced stock options
- Other: elaborated summaries on securities and bonds markets, produced a study on exposure and profitability of Sanofi banking relationship

Fohf asset allocation - intern

Lyxor Asset Management

De Janvier 2011 à Juillet 2011

Portfolio manager assistant - intern


De Juillet 2010 à Décembre 2010

Formation complémentaire

MSc in Economics and Finance, Master 2 “Finance Approfondie” (ex DEA 104)

Université Paris Dauphine - Finance

2005 à 2010

Core subjects: Financial Analysis, Fixed Income, Asset Management, Corporate Finance, Options Theory, Financial modeling under VBA, Credit Risk Management, Financial Time-series Models, etc.

Thesis: « Measure of the level of short sales constraints with the synthetic on classic short position ratio. »

Parcours officiels

MASTER 2 Recherche Finance-Gestion
LICENCE Sciences de Gestion


Anglais - Courant

Allemand - Notions

Centres d'intérêt

  • Array